Designed to be an easy-to-use program, PCM Lite for Windows is similar to PC MARS for MS DOS, with similar coding breakdown, standard enterprises, and an emphasis on monthly reports. PCM Lite for Windows adds the features associated with Window's, including graphic icons, and mouse control. Using your computer on the farm gives you instant access to your records, with printouts available at your command. You choose which categories (account codes) to use and also to what degree you wish to divide your farm into separate enterprises. PCM Lite also tracks quantities of grain. Livestock, chemicals and other items. The database you thereby create will become more and more useful as time passes, expanding your insights as you tread the treacherous path of farming in the 9()'s.
Options Available During Data Entry
Complex Transactions (code transfers and items involving income and expense at the same time)
Browse Transactions (With fast path to edit using the mouse}
Clear Transactions - Mark checks and deposits as they clear the bank account
Writing Checks As You Go (optional) Using a Vendor List (optional)
Fast and Easy Search and Edit Routine
(All reports can be previewed on screen or sent to a printer)
ENTRY JOURNAL - Your transactions in the order that they were entered
YEAR TO DATE SUMMARY - Account code totals - month and year to date (with optional budget comparisons)
CASH INCOME STATEMENT - Standard format with a summary of other items at the end
MONTHLY DETAIL - Amounts, Enterprises, Vendors & Quantities. Sorted by Account Code and Sub-totaled. DETAIL REPORT SELECTED ITEMS - Same format as above but prints a range of months and will print only the item as you specify.
YEAR END REPORT/TAX PREP - 12 months. all details, sorted by account code.
CHECK REGISTER - Reconcile your accuracy with bank statements.
NET WORTH STATEMENT - A snapshot of your farm's financial situation.
Options Available During Data Entry
Complex Transactions (code transfers and items involving income and expense at the same time)
Browse Transactions (With fast path to edit using the mouse}
Clear Transactions - Mark checks and deposits as they clear the bank account
Writing Checks As You Go (optional) Using a Vendor List (optional)
Fast and Easy Search and Edit Routine
(All reports can be previewed on screen or sent to a printer)
ENTRY JOURNAL - Your transactions in the order that they were entered
YEAR TO DATE SUMMARY - Account code totals - month and year to date (with optional budget comparisons)
CASH INCOME STATEMENT - Standard format with a summary of other items at the end
MONTHLY DETAIL - Amounts, Enterprises, Vendors & Quantities. Sorted by Account Code and Sub-totaled. DETAIL REPORT SELECTED ITEMS - Same format as above but prints a range of months and will print only the item as you specify.
YEAR END REPORT/TAX PREP - 12 months. all details, sorted by account code.
CHECK REGISTER - Reconcile your accuracy with bank statements.
NET WORTH STATEMENT - A snapshot of your farm's financial situation.