Item 10427 AGRITREND - Land (Crop Record Keeping)
Land & Crop Management Software for Windows
Quickly becoming the standard for field and crop record keeping. Landtrend
provides a modern, easy to use, and reasonably priced tool. It records important information like seed varieties, fertilizer blends, sprays, equipment, when and where they where used, how much, and of course the costs. It records when and how much was harvested, the current price and where you stored, or sold it. Break-even calculations are performed automatically, taking all the guess work out of future decisions. You can also store unlimited years of history and do crop planning. A couple dozen reports, and additional features like weather records, equipment purchase/repair records, metric converter, and farm mapping round out this fine piece of software.
Detailed Field Records
Metric Conversions
Fertilizer Calculator
Break-even Calculator
Equipment Records
Weather Records
AgriPaint Farm Maps
GPS Viewer
Land Usage
Planting Fertilizer
Applied Fertilizer Shopping
Spraying & Pesticides
Tractor Worksheet
Equipment Repairs
Equipment Inventory
Weather Report
History Reports